Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Was Forest Gate By Peter Akinti a good choice to read?

*spoiler alert!        
             As I started to read Forest Gate By Peter Akinti I thought that this would be the kind of book that I would never want to stop reading. But as it turns out now that I am near the end of this book I have realized one big problem! I have never read anything more boring and messy in my entire life!!! My reasonings are this. The book starts out with a double attempted suicide that involves Ashvin and James, but it turns out that Ashvin (who is the main character's brother) was the only person who ended up dieing. This leaves Meina "the main character" in a terrible deep depression and the majority of the book is Meina retelling there memories as brother and sister.
           What makes me feel like this book is so messy is that Peter Akinti dosen't really show there life a part but as together, and yes for the people who have died and you have loved. You never forget them but to describe randome moments together in detail is far from understandable. I also hate the way he retells the events through meina's memory in perfect detail to me nothing more is crazier. And just remember meina has to continue life without her brother so she must MOVE ON. Which the author dosen't enable Meina to do or try.

        On the other hand this can be looked at as a lovely story that shows what happens when there is a death in your family and how you are going to react. As I kept on reading I also discovered one important thing! This is a book that has allot of potential! But Peter Akinti di not capitalize on it which makes this book just as useless and bad as an article written in the New York Post.

See what The New York Times has to say about Forest Gate!

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