Monday, December 20, 2010

The list of events that Great expectations gives you.

          Pip is a boy that often encounters people that often give him either trouble or give him a misconception. For example Pip was having his Christmas dinner with the minister Dan, Uncle Pumblechook, mr. Wopsle, and Mrs. Joe.  Now you might say wait Pip "meaning me" you are not making sense at all stop giving me a list of names and directing me to what seems to be in the middle of the story. But this is far more important than what you think. You see While they are eating there dinner Pip notices that one of the pies were missing. So he notified the members of the dinner and they just laughed and thought somebody must have eat it. Then soldiers enter the house and asks that Joe, Mr. Wopsle, and Pip to go search for escaped prisoners.
         They come to a conclusion that it is to dangerous for Pip to go and has him stay behind and live with  Miss havisham and Estella. Know Pip as you may know is an orphan and Joe is Pips legal guardian. So he needs him to watch over him but all of the sudden they realize that the pie was stolen from the prisoners and because of that Pip had to live somewhere else. Now what Charles Dickens is doing is that he is having a simple item such as a pie make such a problem that it has pip live somewhere else. Now trust me moving is a huge event in your life and Pip since that he was an orphan he was exposed to plenty of moving.
       So he creates this ingenious way to have an item stick out and allow it redirect the story. Now this is just one of many examples but  to be honest now that i finished Great Expectations it is one of my most favorite books. But because of examples like these it makes me absolutely reevaluate the way books should be written!

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